Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat?

It's been a long time since I've updated the blog. I'm sure our moms are the only people on the planet who read this, so Mom and Nanay, this is for you!

A few weeks ago we went to a haunted forest with our friends Colby and Danielle. It was a lot of fun! It would have been a ton scarier had the boys not made everything a joke so that no one would know they are scared. After all, they are men, you know. They have a reputation to protect. :) However, there was nothing they could do to keep from being terrified when men with chain saws came running after us. You should have heard them screaming like girls! It was hilarious. But I have no problem admitting that I was scared out of my mind too.

We decided to lighten the fear level a little bit and dressed up as Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head. We made the costumes. Not bad, huh?

It was a Toy Story reunion at our ward's Halloween party. Barbie and Ken, where had you been all of our lives?!

Here is the real treat. These are pictures from the past few months that we are just getting around to posting! Enjoy.

Kori came to Utah to visit. Jet had such a blast hanging out with her and getting to know her better. Jet still says, 'When Kori and I went...." It was a blast to have her here! I am trying to talk my other sister Briana into coming in January before she leaves for her mission to Porto Alegre, Brazil in January!!

Jet had been dying to go fishing all summer. Finally, a few weeks before school started his dream came true. It was my first time night fishing.

Neither of us caught this, but we can just pretend.

We made a quick trip to California the week before school started to see our new nephew. While we were there, we went to the Redwood Forest. We read a sign that said the Native Americans felt that the trees were sacred. That made us think of Avatar. Naturally. Don't you wish you knew what went all when you think we are asleep!

In September we finally got to see Lion King. We had been waiting since Jet's birthday in April to go, and it was definitely worth the wait!