Monday, November 29, 2010

Research shows...

Hey, friends and family, I wrote the following article and wanted to share it with you: Tips for making your classroom a stress-free learning zone.

While this article is written specifically for teachers, these tips for making learning stress free can apply to anyone who teaches anything--whether you are a parent, teacher (Sunday school teachers included!), a tutor, or even a leader in any kind of setting. Please check it out and leave a comment to let me know what you think.

Tips for making your classroom a stress-free learning zone

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat?

It's been a long time since I've updated the blog. I'm sure our moms are the only people on the planet who read this, so Mom and Nanay, this is for you!

A few weeks ago we went to a haunted forest with our friends Colby and Danielle. It was a lot of fun! It would have been a ton scarier had the boys not made everything a joke so that no one would know they are scared. After all, they are men, you know. They have a reputation to protect. :) However, there was nothing they could do to keep from being terrified when men with chain saws came running after us. You should have heard them screaming like girls! It was hilarious. But I have no problem admitting that I was scared out of my mind too.

We decided to lighten the fear level a little bit and dressed up as Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head. We made the costumes. Not bad, huh?

It was a Toy Story reunion at our ward's Halloween party. Barbie and Ken, where had you been all of our lives?!

Here is the real treat. These are pictures from the past few months that we are just getting around to posting! Enjoy.

Kori came to Utah to visit. Jet had such a blast hanging out with her and getting to know her better. Jet still says, 'When Kori and I went...." It was a blast to have her here! I am trying to talk my other sister Briana into coming in January before she leaves for her mission to Porto Alegre, Brazil in January!!

Jet had been dying to go fishing all summer. Finally, a few weeks before school started his dream came true. It was my first time night fishing.

Neither of us caught this, but we can just pretend.

We made a quick trip to California the week before school started to see our new nephew. While we were there, we went to the Redwood Forest. We read a sign that said the Native Americans felt that the trees were sacred. That made us think of Avatar. Naturally. Don't you wish you knew what went all when you think we are asleep!

In September we finally got to see Lion King. We had been waiting since Jet's birthday in April to go, and it was definitely worth the wait!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Our First Weekend Get-away

The forecast for Memorial Day weekend was cold and rainy, so Jet and I decided to make a trip down to southern Utah. We really wanted to go camping in Zions National Park, but we soon found out that everyone else had the same idea and everything was full. So, we stayed at a five star Motel 6 in St. George instead.
We loved our trip! It was a much-needed weekend get-away, our first as a married couple! It couldn't have been more perfect. Zions is so majestic. Jet said it made him love Utah a lot more. And how could it not?

Dr. Seus must have come to Zions for inspiration.

These treasures were found after five hours of hiking up one of the mountains.

My Abercrombie model.

It is extraordinary that Zions emerges in all of its grandeur out of the flat desert, and yet there are more species of plants and animals found in the park than in the entire state of Hawaii.
The drive back home. Beautiful Utah.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Jet's Birthday

Jet's birthday was a few weeks ago. It was so much fun that a blog post is in order. To celebrate his birthday and the completion of finals, we had planned a huge camping extravaganza. But I got a new job and it was supposed to rain, so we had to postpone our slumber in the wilderness. We were bummed, but we decided to not let our disappointment drag us down. So we set up camp right in the middle of our living room! It was the most comfortable night I have ever slept camping. And since we couldn't stare up at the stars, we decided to lie in out tent and watch Dancing with the Stars. Quite appropriate for the occasion I think.

The next day was Jet's birthday. He was expecting some big birthday surprise but couldn't pry it out of me. After taking down camp, we made our way to SLC where the big surprise was waiting for him. We were running late so I had to think up a plan on the spot. I said, "Jet, we need to hurry so we don't miss the show" and then quickly covered my mouth to hint that I had no intention of letting that cat out of the bag. He was so excited. He said with a grin, "A show? I love shows!! Oh no, we are going to be late!" He was so worried that he was going to miss something that he sped the whole way to SLC. I knew that they had shows at the University of Utah often so I directed him there. We were late. Jet was stressing. I was doing everything I could to contain my laughter. I told him that I needed to use the restroom at the pizza restaurant that is just across the street. Jet kept saying, "Meg, come on. We are going to miss the show." He followed me across the street to the restaurant where some of his best friends were waiting for him. Jet was so surprised and happy! He loved being with his friends and eating at his favorite restaurant. He ordered the biggest pizza I have ever seen!

On our way back home Jet told me how much he had loved the surprise. He said that when he saw his first friend he was going to tell me, "Meg, let's forget the show and stay here to eat." But he admitted that he had thought that I was taking him to see the Lion King on Broadway that is coming to SLC. We had talked about it a few months before, and he had said that he really wanted to go. I repsonded, "Oh, Jet. I'm sorry. That show isn't until September. I tried to get tickets, but they sold out really quickly." He said his birthday surprise was far better anyways. When we got home, I gave him a card that I was saving until the end of the day. Inside were two tickets to the Lion King (a gift from me and my parents). He couldn't believe that I had surprised him about everything, and I couldn't believe I had pulled it off. He asked me to be his date, and of course I agreed. It was a great day, and I can't wait to really go to a great show in a few months with my very best friend.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Honeymoon: Bahamas



Underwater Submarine