Sunday, January 30, 2011

Everyday an Adventure

Well, it's been a while since I posted. Jet is studying hard, and I'm still working hard. When we aren't working and studying, Jet and my favorite thing to do together is travel. And we have taken a lot of great trips since I posted last. We went to California for Thanksgiving. We went to FL for Christmas, where we went to Harry Potter Land and a swamp. Jet was so excited to see his first alligator.

Our "honeymoon" as Jet calls our anniversary was January 16. It's crazy that it has been a year already since we were married. My husband is quite the romantic. On Friday, I came home from work and Jet told me to get ready because he wanted to take me out to dinner. He wouldn't tell me where. We drove north, and when we were getting close to SLC, he asked me to put on a blindfold that he had tucked away in the glove box. When the car stopped, I asked if I could take the blindfold off. Even though I was totally car sick, I was so excited to find that we were at the airport. I couldn't believe it! Jet had our suitcase packed and secretly tucked away into the trunk. Knowing how much I hate the cold, he whisked me away to San Diego for the weekend. It was so special.

Other exciting happenings: We bought our first couch. It is microfiber, super nice with an artsy design, and it even has a pull-out bed. We found it for a steal--only $350 at RC Willey's New Year's Day sale. Sleep over, anyone?

My sister Briana flew to Utah and stayed with us for a few days before she checked into the MTC. I had my wisdom teeth removed the day before she flew in, so it was interesting, but fortunately she was a big help. And she will be a great missionary.

Lately I have really been wanted to get a little pet of some sort. I am having trouble finding one that fits an apartment lifestyle and our busy schedules. I would love a small dog that doesn't shed but they are expensive and we can't have it chewing up our new couch. That just wouldn't be okay with me. And fish are cool, but it is so hard to maintain their tank. We love LOW maintenance things. (We recently killed our potted plant because we kept forgetting to feed it and then when we would feed it, we would totally drown it, so Jet bought me a bamboo plant. You can easily see how much water it has. It seems like it would be impossible to kill, but the leaves are starting to turn yellow.) So, I have decided that the best pet for us would probably be the teacup big. It's small so it doesn't require a lot of food, it doesn't shed, it is trainable and can even use a liter box, it doesn't make much noise, and you don't have to walk it. Golden. And aren't they so dang cute. I mean, how can you resist that face. It sounds like a good idea to me. What do you think? I just have to convince Jet. :)